Updates issue (answered)

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Updates issue (answered)

Post by Ceya931 »

Everything works fine when I have the current version of the program, but as soon as I am one update behind, the chapters I download are blank. The TOC structure is there, and there is a page per chapter, but there is no content. I use Win7, and downloaded the Calibre plug-in version. This has happened the last 3 updates to version 6. Everything functions fine when I update the program.
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Re: Updates issue

Post by Raimond »


there are two reasons why I publish an update:

1. One of the fanfiction archives changed their page structure. In this case the old version won't work with this page anymore (That's what happened for fanfiction.net with version 0.6.3, 0.6.4, 0.6.5, 0.6.6...)

2. I've implemented new features. The old version is still working and you are free to skip the update as long as you don't want to use the new features.

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